We needed rain, we wanted rain, we got rain, just not on the site. But, the grading of the site works! All of the rain water ran off itno the retention areas!
Rain Delay
Framing the Walls
The walls of the complex will be poured on top of the floor of the complex, where they will sit for a week to cure. Then they will be lifted and set into place , very carefully, by crane.
The Box Culvert
The building of the BFSC's bomb shelter. (aka. the box culvert) It's going to take another 22 cement trucks to complete it. Taking our running total of cement trucks to visit the site to 122!
Lots and lots of MUD!
How many trucks of MUD (aka cement) does it take to pour footings for the complex? 20
How many trucks of MUD does it take to pour the slab for the complex? 80, 40 trucks on Thursday, Nov. 8th to pour half of the slab, the other 40 on Tues., Nov. 13th. They started pouring at 1:00am both days and did not stop until 5:00am.
That's a total of 100 cement trucks, and we have not even started the walls!
OK, now it starts!
The day has finally come! We started moving dirt and preparing the ground for the 8-10 month process of building the sports complex. It has been a long wait for everyone and we are very excited that we can physically see something being done. We never knew how exciting digging a hole could be. That is a lot of dirt!
The Groundbreaking
It starts!
On September 25th of 2006 the steel for the sports complex was delivered. We thought the building process was right around the corner!
The Reason for the BFSC
In 1948 Newell A. and Katherine M. Barney turned the desert land of Queen Creek, Az into Barney Farms. For the past 60 years they, their children, grand children, and great grand children, have enjoyed the life the farm has provided. As a memory of this legacy which has been built, the Barney Family is building the Barney Family Sports Complex. After the farm has gone the sports complex will be here to remind everyone what Newell and Katherine have done for the town of Queen Creek and especially their family.